Construction of new building for Sub Registrar Office, at Chathamangalam in Kozhikode District

Contract value of the work 84 Lakhs

ClientRegistration Department
Project Management Consultant and Supervision KSCC LTD.
Administrative SanctionG.O.(Rt) No. 995/2017 Tax Dept. dt.05.12.2017 Amt. Rs.10550000/-
Technical Sanction APEKKD/2018-2019/2018/190 DT.27.07.2018 Amt. Rs.10547629/-
ContractorSri.ABDUL MAJEED.N

Agreement Date14.08.2019
Commencement of Project 23.08.2019
Scheduled date of Completion 22.08.2019
Expected date of completion 31.12.2020
Current Status
Earth work excavation completed.

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