Crypto News

Exchange rate historical data for Bitcoin in last 28 days from 2023 February 11 to 2023 March 11

Both Bitcoinica and slush’s pool bear the theft’s losses on behalf of their customers. Originally thought to be a Distributed Denial-of-Service attack on the largest bitcoin exchange, the great influx of traders on the heels of Cyprus’s bailout announcement overwhelms Mt. Gox’s servers, causing trades to stutter and fail. Speculative concerns about the exchange’s hiccups […]

Crypto News

Ethereum Ether ETH statistics Price, Blocks Count, Difficulty, Hashrate, Value

Protocol upgrades are accomplished by means of a hard fork. As a result of this Ethererum was able to create Non-Fungible Tokens , which are a unique class of digital assets, related to cryptocurrency but distinct from it. NFTs ‘fingerprint’ digital documents, so that you can authenticate them and record ownership — which has created […]

Crypto News

Bitcoin Cash Price BCH Price Index, Live Chart and USD Converter

Coinbase listed Bitcoin Cash on 19 December 2017 and the coinbase platform experienced price abnormalities that led to an insider trading investigation. As of August 2018, Bitcoin Cash payments are supported by payment service providers such as BitPay, Coinify and GoCoin. Bitcoin Cash is a hard fork of Bitcoin, the world’s oldest and best-known cryptocurrency. […]

Crypto News

Can Bitcoin Really Reach a $1 Million Price Tag? Here’s Why Cathie Wood Thinks So The Motley Fool

I expect those trends to continue for, which is well on its way to becoming the digital collateral benchmark in a world going that way,” McGlone added. Mike McGlone, senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, told that limited supply and rising demand would suggest a bullish bitcoin projection. Joe Burnett said BTC could […]

Crypto News

BTC to EUR Converter 1 Bitcoin to Euro Price Calculator Convert Online

The space available for transactions in a block is currently artificially limited to 1 MB in the Bitcoin network. This means that to get your transaction processed quickly you will have to outbid other users. The Crypto Investment Calculator by CoinStats will make your calculations of crypto profits and losses significantly easier and faster. Additionally, […]