Doctors will prescribe you medications such as Vivitrol, disulfiram, or acamprosate to reduce alcohol cravings and maintain sobriety. There, it is how most people resort to drinking because of some underlying mental health issues. For example, you might be drinking to cope with depression or anxiety. A former professional and one-time World Champion athlete, David […]
Like other SLH models of recovery, residence are free to stay as long as they wish provide they comply with house rules (e.g., curfews, attendance at 12-step meetings) and fulfill their financial obligations. Also like other SLH models, each house has a house manager who is responsible for ensuring house rules and requirements are followed. […]
If you are struggling to sleep, you will find a range of helpful guided mindfulness exercises in Session 9 of the Brain Food section or by downloading the Mindarma companion app. If you are exhausted and mushy-brained, it is a clear sign you are doing too much. Outsource, delegate, ask for help and carefully consider […]
Talking to a counselor or joining a support group can help you stay emotionally balanced as you learn how to taper off alcohol. You should plan to taper for between three and seven days depending on how much you’re used to drinking. Slowly reduce the amount of alcohol you consume each day until you reach […]
If you or a loved one is suffering from an alcohol use disorder, it can feel like being trapped in a tunnel with no way out. Our admissions specialists will help you find the facility and treatment program best suited to the recovery needs of you or your loved one. Our knowledgeable and compassionate team […]
Clopidogrel should not be taken if you have stomach ulcers (can lead to bleeding) or bleeding in your brain (brain hemorrhage). Someone using alcohol while taking Brilinta should speak with their doctor about the risks that are specific to their situation. Call your doctor right away if you have any unexplained bleeding or bruising, nausea or […]
These symptoms generally peak between 24 to 72 hours but can persist for weeks 1. If you regularly drink a handle of liquor (around 40 standard drinks) or more per day, please seek professional help. Minor symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can be overcome with rest and at-home remedies, and it is possible for some people to […]
We did not see any significant change in blood pressure or heart rate after that, but the evidence was limited. Drinking excessive alcohol is considered one of the most common how does drinking affect blood pressure causes of raised blood pressure. We wanted to quantify the effects of a single dose of alcohol on blood […]
Signs of intoxication will be evident in many cases, particularly those who don’t participate in chronic drinking. Yet, tolerance among people who suffer from chronic alcohol abuse could mask these signs. BACs between 0.60% and 0.80% are commonly fatal.7 However, the amount of alcohol it takes to kill a person can vary by individual factors. […]
Once the test results are back, the person or provider who ordered the test will share the results with you. Blood alcohol level (BAC), is the amount of alcohol in your blood that develops from drinking beverages that contain alcohol. Levels can range from 0% (no alcohol) to over 0.4% (a potentially fatal level). This […]