Construction of new building for Sub Registrar office at Kuzhalmannam in Palakkad District

Contract value of the work 50.64
ClientRegistration Department
Project Management Consultant and Supervision KSCC LTD.
Administrative Sanction
Technical Sanction
ContractorSri. Mohammad Basheer

Agreement Date05-12-2018
Commencement of Project 11-12-2018
Scheduled date of Completion 10-12-2019
Expected date of completion
Current Status
WP(C) No.32911 of 2 vacated on 18.02.2019.Informed contractor to start the work. But again the work had been forcely stopped. The contractor has requested to absolve him from his executed agreement since the site is not hindrance free filed by Sri. Najun Nasar. Stay vacated and work started on 17/9/2019. Half portion reached up to grade beam level. Further work stopped subsequent to the stay order received from Tribunal secretary, Tribunal for Local Self Govt. Institutons.

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