KIIFB- Construction of Sub Registrar office westhill in Kozhikode district

Contract value of the work 140 Lakhs

ClientRegistration Department
Project Management Consultant and Supervision KSCC LTD.
Administrative SanctionG.O.(Rt) No. 995/2017 Tax Dept. dt.05.12.2017 Amt. Rs.15640000/-
Technical Sanction APEKKD/2018-2019/2018/215 DT.27.07.2018 Amt. Rs.15635373/-
ContractorSri.Shameer K

Agreement Date24.06.2019
Commencement of Project 03.07.2019

Scheduled date of Completion 02.07.2020
Expected date of completion 31.12.2020
Current Status
Pile Cap and plinth beam concreting completed. Column GF in progress.

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